Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Buffalo Chicken Wing Dip can be healthy...

Being from Buffalo, I'm a wing snob. Every Sunday I need some form of wing in my mouth.  Since I started the 21 day fix I've been finding healthy alternatives to get my wing on!  Here is a dip that i make:

I make my chicken ahead of time.  I put it in a crockpot on high for 4 hours with Frank's hot sauce (to cover it) and two dry packets of hidden valley ranch dressing.  When it's done I shred it up for the dip.

If you are lazy you can buy a rotisserie chicken and shred that up and add hot sauce :)

Next take the chicken and mix in:

  • 1/2 a block (or 4 ounces) of reduced fat cream cheese-- (Sometimes I actually leave this out when I'm doing the Fix strictly)
  • 3/4 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup frank's hot sauce
  • blue cheese crumbles (sometimes I leave this out too)
  • the chicken shredded (about 2 cups)
  • about 3/4-1 cup shredded cheese

For my fixers (remember you are only eating a portion of this not all of it) so it doesn't all count.

Throw all those in a bowl, mix it up, and put it in a baking dish.  Put in a 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes and dip with some celery or carrots!!! 

Sometimes I even toss some celery in there before hand :)


Sunday, August 16, 2015

A week in the life of a 21 Day Fixer...

So I've decided to open my life up for a week and let people in on a week in the life of a 21 Day Fixer!  They will get to see it all.. the ups, downs, temptations, workouts, etc.  It's a little scary but it's real!  This is real life!  My life!

Even though I put on a good face, I am so insecure.  We all have our insecurities and all have our moments of wondering what life would be as someone else.  But the reality is, this is the life we were given and we are in control of our own destiny. We make the choices to make positive changes in our lives.

So I thought I'd share on my blog my journey for the week.  As I told my group- TODAY (the day before you start) is the MOST important day.  It is all about organization, prep and planning!

I prepped several meals today, planned my food for the week based on my container break down, organized my fridge and tossed away anything that could throw me off track!

I will post on  here daily so you can see what I'm eating and my container breakdowns!  I'll also post bits of the workouts with and without modifiers so people can see how easy it can be with some routine and practice!  Here's to a healthier you!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Why Shakeology and Beachbody works.. FOR ME!

Let's preface this post with a big disclaimer! As someone who has struggled with her weight for ohhhh MY WHOLE LIFE- and have tried a million different things, I totally understand that not everything works for everyone.  I will be the first to admit that.  BUT I have been asked questions like "why Beachbody?" "why Shakeology?" "It's so expensive, you're crazy."  To each their own. But I want to take some time to answer some of those questions today- and let you know why it works FOR ME!

Let's start with Shakeology.  Is it expensive- Sure.  I totally get that. Not everyone wants to spend the $139 a month on Shakeology.  But to me- it is well worth spending that money on my health than coffee, take out, etc.  It's $4... well worth it and I'll tell you why-

Shakeology is dense superfood nutrition drink. Let me break it down for you by what is it in and what it does for me personally-

  • Amino Acids and Protein
    • When I first started working out my body was like "WOAH... hold up Jamie--this is a lot for me." and I was like "Don't worry body-I got you!" and drank Shakeology.  When you work out (especially when you haven't before) you will be sore.  Shakeology is a great way to refuel your body and helps build & repair muscles. Not only that- it will fight hunger and cravings.  Shakeology comes in a bunch of awesome flavors (and YES it doe actually taste good) so it's like a treat in itself.  Let's recap- In this category, FOR ME, Shakeo has help me be less sore after workouts, refuel my belly and fight my cravings and hunger.
  • Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes 
    • I think this is best said as #happypoops Shakeology supports a healthy digestive tract.  TMI but this daily dose of probiotics keeps me regular.  And as someone who has struggled with intestinal and digestive issues- I am no longer in need of supplements, vitamins, and medicines for this... Shakeo does it for me! If you are going to poop, make it a happy one!
  • Adaptogens- no I didn't make that word up...
    • I am, admittingly so, a walking ball of stress.  Yes, this is something I'm working on, but it does affect my body.  Adaptogens help protect the body from stress and boost the immune system.  Additionally it gives you energy.  Who doesn't need more of that!?  Seriously though, before Shakeology (and for those of you who know my husband, you can ask him to confirm), I would come home from work and go straight to bed.  Now I come home, workout, make dinner, eat, do work, enjoy time with my husband, etc.  I have the energy to take on my day and get so much accomplished!
  • Antioxidants & Vitamins & Minerals
    • These little guys help with my immune system and keep me healthy. Like I said earlier, now that I drink Shakeo, I've been able to decrease (significantly) the amount of medicine, supplements, and vitamins that I have to take on a regular basis. 
Okay. So what happens when you combine more energy, healthy dose of GOOD food for your body, vitamins and minerals, and happy pooping? You get weight loss.  For me it's so much more than the weight loss but it is a start.  There have been times where I've stopped drinking Shakeology for a few days (travel, etc) and I have been mad at myself everytime because I feel it! It does so much for me and my body!

I could go over the benefits of Shakeo all day- Here's more info if you'd like to read up about it

Okay- so we know that Shakeology works for me; but why the Beachbody programs?

So we all know that I am by no means an expert in the fitness field, but I can tell you that these workouts work for me.  They provide structured workout programs that focus on different areas of the body during different times.  It makes sense- but you don't think about that when you are new to the world of fitness. The 21 Day Fix worked for me because it was broken down into the basics (cardio, upper body, lower body, core, etc) and it was doable. The nutrient help was a HUGE bonus.  I've started CIZE, a dance fitness program, and that works because ANYONE can do it and it's fun.  You sweat like crazy but never once feel like you are working out. T25 builds momentum and let's be honest-- Shaun T!? HECK YES! Could I do some of the other workouts? HECK NO. Will I be able to one day? HECK YES.  It's all about finding the right program for you.

So why Beachbody when there are a million different options for at home workouts out there?  That's easy.  It's the support.  I could go to the store and buy a DVD for $8 and bring it home and put it on a shelf.  But if you purchase a Beachbody program you are also purchasing a coach to support you and access to groups to help support you and keep you accountable.  The support and positivity I've gained through Beachbody is LIFE CHANGING.  I would never be able to do it without my coach and without fellow challengers. Is it work? Yes. But the work does really get you the results you want! I think this the diamond in the rough that people overlook.  This is a HUGE component of the program. As a new coach myself, I know how dedicated we are to helping others and changing people's lives for the better.  We all have different Whys as to why we are starting the weight loss journey but we all share that we have one and that we are working to make ourselves better.  Doesn't get better than that, my friends!

BONUS: You get swag! As a student affairs professional, I live for swag.  When you complete a program you get swag if you submit your results... and weight loss? HECK YES!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Love yourself

Love yourself enough to want to be better...
Love yourself enough to make the changes you need to live life to the fullest...
Love yourself enough to press play...
Love yourself enough to look in the mirror and see something beautiful...
Love yourself enough to face your fears...
Love yourself enough to laugh at yourself...
Love yourself enough to make mistakes and learn from them...
Love yourself enough to set big goals for yourself and set out to achieve them...
Love yourself enough to accept compliments and BELIEVE them...
Love yourself enough to change your language to reflect positivity towards yourself and others...
Love yourself enough to make your family and friends proud of the changes you're making... but most importantly:
Love yourself enough to make the changes for you!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Traveling and Staying On Track!

Oh my is traveling and staying on track hard!  Sorry I've been MIA, but I was recently traveling for work.  During my trip to Orlando (which is paradise when you live in Ohio), the last thing I wanted to do was focus on what I was eating, how often, etc. etc. etc.

Well the reality is, it was way easier than I thought!  Some tips:

  • Bring your Shakeology- yes TSA may look at you funny if you use Shakeo bags and have to portion it out in baggies, but it's so worth it!  It's the healthiest meal of the day and it guarantees you ONE great meal of dense super food nutrition. I even bring my person blender with me when I travel! It's light, easy to carry, and hotels always have ice... score!
  • Find out in advance if your room has a fridge or if you can get one!  If you have a fridge you can always grab healthy snacks at the grocery store and have them on the go, similar to how you do at home!  
  • If you don't have a fridge, still pack on the go type snacks (nuts, fruit, etc.)  
  • Choose wisely.  You can still go out to eat, get room service and snack- just choose the better options! Do your research; know what is better for you.  At least at the end of the day you can say you chose the healthier option!
  • Drink water.  I always bring my water bottle with me! Drink, drink, drink water! You should be consuming half of your body weight in ounces of water a day- plus it helps keep you full
  • Do your research ahead of time! Scope out the restaurants, menus, and plan a food itinerary ahead of time.  It will help you stay on track!

As you know from meal planning, simple planning can totally make things easier and make you feel less guilty!  Just plan ahead, use the tips and enjoy your travel while still achieving your fitness goals!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

My favorite chicken recipes

Since I am not a big red meat eater, my go to meat is chicken! I LOVE making chicken in multiple different ways!  Chicken counts as red contains on the fix so I use chicken (and my Shakeology of course) to fill up my reds!

Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Butterfly the chicken breasts and pound the chicken to the desired thickness.

Stuff the chicken with cheese (I use cheddar- a blue container on the fix) and broccoli (a green container) and roll it to make sure stuffing stays in. Season the chicken as you wish (or leave a little cheese for the top).  This pic has the chicken seasoned with paprika.

Bake 25-35 minutes and serve!

Hummus Chicken:

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.

Grease a large baking pan.  Fill the bottom of the baking pan with any veggie of choice (zucchini, potatoes, etc- green container). Drizzle veggies in olive oil (orange container). Lay up to four pieces of chicken over the veggies.  Coat the chicken in your favorite hummus (I love roasted red pepper-blue container) so that all the chicken is covered. Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the chicken and veggies.

Bake for 20-25 minutes and serve!

Salsa Chicken:

I can eat this everyday!!!  The simplest meal and freezes perfectly:

Put frozen chicken breasts along with two jars of any salsa (I use pineapple and mango salsa) into a Crockpot.  Heat on high for 4 hours and voila!

21 Day Fix Approved Oatmeal Cookies

I've been getting requests for some of the recipes I use during the fix.  Of course my first go to treat are these amazing cookies!  They can be substituted for a yellow on the 21 day fix!

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

3 ripe bananas, mashed
1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
2 cups of oats (I used steel cut oats)
3 tablespoons of milk (I used unsweetened almond milk)
1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (confession: I usually use more- I LOVE cinnamon and its free on the fix)
1/2 cup of raisins or chocolate chips (I use mini chocolate chips)

Mix all the ingredients until it forms a dough consistency.  Then spoon onto a greased cookie sheet (or use muffin tins-I used mini muffin tins (good portion control)). Bake for 15-20 minutes.

WARNING: These are addicting!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Where to begin...

When I first started sharing my progress and journey some of the first questions folks asked me was what motivated you to start and how do you even know where to begin.  These are great questions and your motivation is the foundation of your journey and will help guide you and lift you when you need it.  You all know (see my first post) what motivated me to do this and today I'll share a bit on where I started and the advice I have. I will say this; everyone has different motivations, levels of support, and may need to start on different levels. I can definitely speak to my journey and to those that I am coaching and guiding on their journeys. 

Here is a breakdown of advice/info (it's about to get real in here!):

  • Pick a program that will work for your current level of fitness/nutrition- I started with a program that was too hard for my fitness level.  This lead to discouragement and giving up.  All programs will be hard at first, but choose a program that will challenge you but one you can keep up with.  Because I am a bigger girl, higher impact workouts just did not work for me initially.  The 21 Day Fix, however, was a perfect start and had a modifier to help break moves down to management workouts.  Over time, I was able to transition from modifiers to the real moves.  After two rounds of the Fix, I pooped my T25 DVD (the original workout) and was able to get through all 25 minutes (with some modifiers).  It helped build my confidence AND my endurance!!!  If you are looking to do a Beachbody workout, find a coach and ask questions (and be honest about your questions); we are very honest people!  Ask me! If you are looking at other programs; do your research-- ask yourself, "will this work for me?" Know your strengths and where you struggle and find a program that can build on both!
  • Surround yourself with support and build your support team.  This is HUGE.  Find your support. If you use Beachbody, utilize your coach, challenge groups and those you meet.  If you are using other programs, connect with people in anyway you can.  Find your biggest supporters and encouragers.  Post it on FB, share your journey; this will help you find these people.  There may be people who unexpectedly are your biggest fans in your journey!
  • Set goals for yourself.  Make sure they are tangible and achievable. Push yourself.  Post your goals EVERYWHERE! and tell other people (your above support team) to make sure you have accountability.  Heck, I made a blog and now I feel more accountable than ever!
  • Fight the urge and cut the crap.  This was THE hardest thing for me and something EVERYONE struggles with.  If anyone says they don't; they lie.  Everyone has their guilty pleasures.  I cannot tell you how difficult it was (as a former diet coke addict/binge drinker) to cut pop (yes I'm from WNY) out of my life. I had headaches, I was grouchy (my poor husband and staff), and I hated water.  But I toughed it out and it got easier.  I slipped... many times but I fought the urge. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Be real with yourself and laugh.  I know I will never be as graceful as the people working out in the video.  Have fun with it.  I have been doing the sneak peek workout of CIZE with Shaun T (a dance workout) and I look absolutely ridiculous (I actually made a video to be able to watch myself act a fool) BUT I am having a BLAST doing it.  And if you are wondering YES you do feel it after doing the workout and YES I am sweating after it! Which brings me to my next point...
  • You WILL struggle and you WILL be sore.  If you aren't then you may not be challenging yourself enough/have picked the right program. You are doing it right if you (and yes these all happened to me and continue to happen as I step up to more challenging workouts):
    1. Cannot sit on the toilet after leg day.
    2. Have Jello legs after sitting for a long period of time and then standing up.
    3. Cry at the sight of stairs.
    4. Have extra packs of frozen vegetables on hand just to ice your sore muscles.
  • You DO get better.  Autumn Calabrese always says- It doesn't get easier, YOU get better and you do.  It is such an exciting accomplishment to look back and see how far you've come.
  • Take measurements, pictures and track your progress.  This is motivation and encouragement in itself.  Focus on NON SCALE victories.  Are your clothes looser? Did someone complement you on your appearance? Do you finally fit into those jeans in the back of your closet (we all have them)? And most importantly, celebrate those victories- YOU DESERVE IT!

(It's true...)

Hopefully this sheds some light into things to focus on as you begin your journey. Remember this is only the beginning but you have to press play and start!! As always feel free to join us on FB: and I am always here for questions!  See you next post!!

Monday, June 1, 2015

My Journey...

My Journey..

I wanted to start this blog by posting a little about my journey and why I am here sharing it with all of you.

I say my journey; but really, so many people have supported me on this road to health. My actual journey begins back in my youth.  I was always a bigger girl and had just accepted that.  I was always the one who was fun and had a great personality but never the pretty, skinny girl.  Especially having a sister who was very thin and beautiful (and I love her dearly), made it difficult as people were often flabbergasted at the fact we were even related.  I was active in my youth, a typical tomboy, playing sports and doing track and field.  But even those activities couldn't take away from the fact I was bigger.  Knowing I'd never be that girl, I decided to put my focus and confidence into something else; my education and career.  If you ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you how dedicated I am to my education and career.  I started my career the second I knew what I wanted to do.  I've always been a high achiever in my education and am very confident in my intelligence and in my work. I love what I do and have worked very hard to get to the position I am in.  But my confidence has never shifted over to the physical side.  

There were a few times in my life I tried different weight loss programs, shakes, pills, etc. With that being said, I started my Beachbody journey by purchasing T25.  At the time, that seemed like the most manageable workout program for me.  I tried it with Shakeology and after a few weeks of on and off working out; I gave up.  I think I was just at a place physically where I couldn't do it; or what I realize now; Not mentally ready to make the changes I needed. 

So with that said I like to credit that I officially started my Beachbody journey in February 2015 and fell in love with the 21 Day Fix! I have tried many different diets and workouts but found my home with Beachbody.  I was getting to a point in my life where my weight was affecting my health in ways I would have never imagined.  I was overweight, got winded easily, started having digestive and intestinal problems from all the crap I was eating and became depressed.  In May 2014, I found out I was pregnant with my first child, and then in July 2014, I suffered a miscarriage. 

To say I say I lost a piece of my heart that day is an understatement.  I was devastated; and although my doctor did not say this, I truly believe that my unhealthy lifestyle contributed to me losing my baby.  At that time I was lost, confused and felt awful inside and out.  

In February, my coach reached out to me and encouraged me to try the fix.  After some research, I realized it was just wanted I needed- Workouts and focus on how to portion control and work on my nutrition.  I felt at this low in my life, I had nothing to lose. In my first round of the 21 day fix, I lost 15lbs and over 20 inches.  Fast forward four rounds later and I've lost over 50 inches.  I am now doing the 21 Day Fix Extreme and I am forever grateful to Autumn for changing my life forever. 

In April 2015, I decided to jump in and become a coach.  My goal as a coach is solely to help change the lives of others.  What an amazing thing to offer others working towards similar goals!  Even if it is not through Beachbody products, I want to change lives and help people!  I am hoping that my story, my journey, can turn into our journey. If you need help, are ready for a change, or need accountability or a push- I'm your girl!  Let's do this together! My journey is far from over, and that is why we can do this together. I am not even close to where I need to be...but I'll get there!

Before and afters (February 2015 and June 2015):

Interested in learning more (no pressure here!) or want to follow my journey?:
Join my Facebook group:
Like my Facebook Page:
Check out my Beachbody Coach page:

and keep checking into my blog to follow my journey, learn new tips, get some great recipes, and more!!!!

Thanks for reading and always remember Sweaty is the new Sexy!!!! <3