Sunday, August 16, 2015

A week in the life of a 21 Day Fixer...

So I've decided to open my life up for a week and let people in on a week in the life of a 21 Day Fixer!  They will get to see it all.. the ups, downs, temptations, workouts, etc.  It's a little scary but it's real!  This is real life!  My life!

Even though I put on a good face, I am so insecure.  We all have our insecurities and all have our moments of wondering what life would be as someone else.  But the reality is, this is the life we were given and we are in control of our own destiny. We make the choices to make positive changes in our lives.

So I thought I'd share on my blog my journey for the week.  As I told my group- TODAY (the day before you start) is the MOST important day.  It is all about organization, prep and planning!

I prepped several meals today, planned my food for the week based on my container break down, organized my fridge and tossed away anything that could throw me off track!

I will post on  here daily so you can see what I'm eating and my container breakdowns!  I'll also post bits of the workouts with and without modifiers so people can see how easy it can be with some routine and practice!  Here's to a healthier you!

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