Sunday, August 2, 2015

Why Shakeology and Beachbody works.. FOR ME!

Let's preface this post with a big disclaimer! As someone who has struggled with her weight for ohhhh MY WHOLE LIFE- and have tried a million different things, I totally understand that not everything works for everyone.  I will be the first to admit that.  BUT I have been asked questions like "why Beachbody?" "why Shakeology?" "It's so expensive, you're crazy."  To each their own. But I want to take some time to answer some of those questions today- and let you know why it works FOR ME!

Let's start with Shakeology.  Is it expensive- Sure.  I totally get that. Not everyone wants to spend the $139 a month on Shakeology.  But to me- it is well worth spending that money on my health than coffee, take out, etc.  It's $4... well worth it and I'll tell you why-

Shakeology is dense superfood nutrition drink. Let me break it down for you by what is it in and what it does for me personally-

  • Amino Acids and Protein
    • When I first started working out my body was like "WOAH... hold up Jamie--this is a lot for me." and I was like "Don't worry body-I got you!" and drank Shakeology.  When you work out (especially when you haven't before) you will be sore.  Shakeology is a great way to refuel your body and helps build & repair muscles. Not only that- it will fight hunger and cravings.  Shakeology comes in a bunch of awesome flavors (and YES it doe actually taste good) so it's like a treat in itself.  Let's recap- In this category, FOR ME, Shakeo has help me be less sore after workouts, refuel my belly and fight my cravings and hunger.
  • Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes 
    • I think this is best said as #happypoops Shakeology supports a healthy digestive tract.  TMI but this daily dose of probiotics keeps me regular.  And as someone who has struggled with intestinal and digestive issues- I am no longer in need of supplements, vitamins, and medicines for this... Shakeo does it for me! If you are going to poop, make it a happy one!
  • Adaptogens- no I didn't make that word up...
    • I am, admittingly so, a walking ball of stress.  Yes, this is something I'm working on, but it does affect my body.  Adaptogens help protect the body from stress and boost the immune system.  Additionally it gives you energy.  Who doesn't need more of that!?  Seriously though, before Shakeology (and for those of you who know my husband, you can ask him to confirm), I would come home from work and go straight to bed.  Now I come home, workout, make dinner, eat, do work, enjoy time with my husband, etc.  I have the energy to take on my day and get so much accomplished!
  • Antioxidants & Vitamins & Minerals
    • These little guys help with my immune system and keep me healthy. Like I said earlier, now that I drink Shakeo, I've been able to decrease (significantly) the amount of medicine, supplements, and vitamins that I have to take on a regular basis. 
Okay. So what happens when you combine more energy, healthy dose of GOOD food for your body, vitamins and minerals, and happy pooping? You get weight loss.  For me it's so much more than the weight loss but it is a start.  There have been times where I've stopped drinking Shakeology for a few days (travel, etc) and I have been mad at myself everytime because I feel it! It does so much for me and my body!

I could go over the benefits of Shakeo all day- Here's more info if you'd like to read up about it

Okay- so we know that Shakeology works for me; but why the Beachbody programs?

So we all know that I am by no means an expert in the fitness field, but I can tell you that these workouts work for me.  They provide structured workout programs that focus on different areas of the body during different times.  It makes sense- but you don't think about that when you are new to the world of fitness. The 21 Day Fix worked for me because it was broken down into the basics (cardio, upper body, lower body, core, etc) and it was doable. The nutrient help was a HUGE bonus.  I've started CIZE, a dance fitness program, and that works because ANYONE can do it and it's fun.  You sweat like crazy but never once feel like you are working out. T25 builds momentum and let's be honest-- Shaun T!? HECK YES! Could I do some of the other workouts? HECK NO. Will I be able to one day? HECK YES.  It's all about finding the right program for you.

So why Beachbody when there are a million different options for at home workouts out there?  That's easy.  It's the support.  I could go to the store and buy a DVD for $8 and bring it home and put it on a shelf.  But if you purchase a Beachbody program you are also purchasing a coach to support you and access to groups to help support you and keep you accountable.  The support and positivity I've gained through Beachbody is LIFE CHANGING.  I would never be able to do it without my coach and without fellow challengers. Is it work? Yes. But the work does really get you the results you want! I think this the diamond in the rough that people overlook.  This is a HUGE component of the program. As a new coach myself, I know how dedicated we are to helping others and changing people's lives for the better.  We all have different Whys as to why we are starting the weight loss journey but we all share that we have one and that we are working to make ourselves better.  Doesn't get better than that, my friends!

BONUS: You get swag! As a student affairs professional, I live for swag.  When you complete a program you get swag if you submit your results... and weight loss? HECK YES!

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