Monday, June 1, 2015

My Journey...

My Journey..

I wanted to start this blog by posting a little about my journey and why I am here sharing it with all of you.

I say my journey; but really, so many people have supported me on this road to health. My actual journey begins back in my youth.  I was always a bigger girl and had just accepted that.  I was always the one who was fun and had a great personality but never the pretty, skinny girl.  Especially having a sister who was very thin and beautiful (and I love her dearly), made it difficult as people were often flabbergasted at the fact we were even related.  I was active in my youth, a typical tomboy, playing sports and doing track and field.  But even those activities couldn't take away from the fact I was bigger.  Knowing I'd never be that girl, I decided to put my focus and confidence into something else; my education and career.  If you ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you how dedicated I am to my education and career.  I started my career the second I knew what I wanted to do.  I've always been a high achiever in my education and am very confident in my intelligence and in my work. I love what I do and have worked very hard to get to the position I am in.  But my confidence has never shifted over to the physical side.  

There were a few times in my life I tried different weight loss programs, shakes, pills, etc. With that being said, I started my Beachbody journey by purchasing T25.  At the time, that seemed like the most manageable workout program for me.  I tried it with Shakeology and after a few weeks of on and off working out; I gave up.  I think I was just at a place physically where I couldn't do it; or what I realize now; Not mentally ready to make the changes I needed. 

So with that said I like to credit that I officially started my Beachbody journey in February 2015 and fell in love with the 21 Day Fix! I have tried many different diets and workouts but found my home with Beachbody.  I was getting to a point in my life where my weight was affecting my health in ways I would have never imagined.  I was overweight, got winded easily, started having digestive and intestinal problems from all the crap I was eating and became depressed.  In May 2014, I found out I was pregnant with my first child, and then in July 2014, I suffered a miscarriage. 

To say I say I lost a piece of my heart that day is an understatement.  I was devastated; and although my doctor did not say this, I truly believe that my unhealthy lifestyle contributed to me losing my baby.  At that time I was lost, confused and felt awful inside and out.  

In February, my coach reached out to me and encouraged me to try the fix.  After some research, I realized it was just wanted I needed- Workouts and focus on how to portion control and work on my nutrition.  I felt at this low in my life, I had nothing to lose. In my first round of the 21 day fix, I lost 15lbs and over 20 inches.  Fast forward four rounds later and I've lost over 50 inches.  I am now doing the 21 Day Fix Extreme and I am forever grateful to Autumn for changing my life forever. 

In April 2015, I decided to jump in and become a coach.  My goal as a coach is solely to help change the lives of others.  What an amazing thing to offer others working towards similar goals!  Even if it is not through Beachbody products, I want to change lives and help people!  I am hoping that my story, my journey, can turn into our journey. If you need help, are ready for a change, or need accountability or a push- I'm your girl!  Let's do this together! My journey is far from over, and that is why we can do this together. I am not even close to where I need to be...but I'll get there!

Before and afters (February 2015 and June 2015):

Interested in learning more (no pressure here!) or want to follow my journey?:
Join my Facebook group:
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Check out my Beachbody Coach page:

and keep checking into my blog to follow my journey, learn new tips, get some great recipes, and more!!!!

Thanks for reading and always remember Sweaty is the new Sexy!!!! <3

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