Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Where to begin...

When I first started sharing my progress and journey some of the first questions folks asked me was what motivated you to start and how do you even know where to begin.  These are great questions and your motivation is the foundation of your journey and will help guide you and lift you when you need it.  You all know (see my first post) what motivated me to do this and today I'll share a bit on where I started and the advice I have. I will say this; everyone has different motivations, levels of support, and may need to start on different levels. I can definitely speak to my journey and to those that I am coaching and guiding on their journeys. 

Here is a breakdown of advice/info (it's about to get real in here!):

  • Pick a program that will work for your current level of fitness/nutrition- I started with a program that was too hard for my fitness level.  This lead to discouragement and giving up.  All programs will be hard at first, but choose a program that will challenge you but one you can keep up with.  Because I am a bigger girl, higher impact workouts just did not work for me initially.  The 21 Day Fix, however, was a perfect start and had a modifier to help break moves down to management workouts.  Over time, I was able to transition from modifiers to the real moves.  After two rounds of the Fix, I pooped my T25 DVD (the original workout) and was able to get through all 25 minutes (with some modifiers).  It helped build my confidence AND my endurance!!!  If you are looking to do a Beachbody workout, find a coach and ask questions (and be honest about your questions); we are very honest people!  Ask me! If you are looking at other programs; do your research-- ask yourself, "will this work for me?" Know your strengths and where you struggle and find a program that can build on both!
  • Surround yourself with support and build your support team.  This is HUGE.  Find your support. If you use Beachbody, utilize your coach, challenge groups and those you meet.  If you are using other programs, connect with people in anyway you can.  Find your biggest supporters and encouragers.  Post it on FB, share your journey; this will help you find these people.  There may be people who unexpectedly are your biggest fans in your journey!
  • Set goals for yourself.  Make sure they are tangible and achievable. Push yourself.  Post your goals EVERYWHERE! and tell other people (your above support team) to make sure you have accountability.  Heck, I made a blog and now I feel more accountable than ever!
  • Fight the urge and cut the crap.  This was THE hardest thing for me and something EVERYONE struggles with.  If anyone says they don't; they lie.  Everyone has their guilty pleasures.  I cannot tell you how difficult it was (as a former diet coke addict/binge drinker) to cut pop (yes I'm from WNY) out of my life. I had headaches, I was grouchy (my poor husband and staff), and I hated water.  But I toughed it out and it got easier.  I slipped... many times but I fought the urge. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Be real with yourself and laugh.  I know I will never be as graceful as the people working out in the video.  Have fun with it.  I have been doing the sneak peek workout of CIZE with Shaun T (a dance workout) and I look absolutely ridiculous (I actually made a video to be able to watch myself act a fool) BUT I am having a BLAST doing it.  And if you are wondering YES you do feel it after doing the workout and YES I am sweating after it! Which brings me to my next point...
  • You WILL struggle and you WILL be sore.  If you aren't then you may not be challenging yourself enough/have picked the right program. You are doing it right if you (and yes these all happened to me and continue to happen as I step up to more challenging workouts):
    1. Cannot sit on the toilet after leg day.
    2. Have Jello legs after sitting for a long period of time and then standing up.
    3. Cry at the sight of stairs.
    4. Have extra packs of frozen vegetables on hand just to ice your sore muscles.
  • You DO get better.  Autumn Calabrese always says- It doesn't get easier, YOU get better and you do.  It is such an exciting accomplishment to look back and see how far you've come.
  • Take measurements, pictures and track your progress.  This is motivation and encouragement in itself.  Focus on NON SCALE victories.  Are your clothes looser? Did someone complement you on your appearance? Do you finally fit into those jeans in the back of your closet (we all have them)? And most importantly, celebrate those victories- YOU DESERVE IT!

(It's true...)

Hopefully this sheds some light into things to focus on as you begin your journey. Remember this is only the beginning but you have to press play and start!! As always feel free to join us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sweatyisnewsexy/ and I am always here for questions!  See you next post!!

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