Thursday, March 21, 2019


After taking a little break (okay, a long break). I'M BACK FRIENDS!

If you remember back (or you can refer back) to my very first post here, I had started my journey due to my number of miscarriages. Well after losing over 100lbs and feeling my best in so long, I got pregnant!

In May 2017, my rainbow, Harley Ann was born. It was a rough birth and she had a lot to deal with in her first few months of her little life (that's a whole other post),  but she is now an amazingly smart, independent, stubborn, beautiful, sassy almost 2 year old. I wouldn't change her for the world. My "why" turned into a reality.

Getting back at things post baby was so challenging. First time mom, working full time, trying to manage it all was hard; let alone working out, eating right and coaching others. So I took a break. A much needed break. I need to fill my cup so I could fill all yours.

During that time, I packed up my family, my almost six month old and all our stuff and moved us from Cleveland, OH to Gainesville, FL, where I started my new job. Life started to settle down until we got the surprise of a lifetime! I was pregnant again! A little scary but exciting! 

In December 2018, my little pot of gold, Remy Jacob was born. He was perfect (just like his sister) and has brought a lot of joy.  He is now 3 month.  I knew that once I recovered (thanks C-Section!), I wanted to jump back in. Recovery was no joke, BUT I just signed back up and am coaching again!!! (Cue party horns, applause, etc etc).  I'm so excited for so many reasons but mostly because I'm ready to be the happier and healthier version of myself again! AND I missed my friends... those who have supported me since day 1, are my biggest cheerleaders and make my life SO much better!

So I will be posting new recipes, thoughts, ideas, etc again! WOOHOO! I know, I know... you're so pumped! ;)

Thanks for stopping in and reading friends!

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